Huai'an China News and Events
Huai'an Strengthens Construction of Public Sports Facilities

In 2020, Huai'an will vigorously advocate the civilized life concepts and strengthen public sports facilities construction. It will also focus on the standards of sports land, cultural squares and activity sites and make solid progress in the construction of ten practical projects for Huai'an people's livelihood. 12.95 million yuan will be invested in 11 theme sports parks and 57 rural fitness parks. In the first quarter of this year, the project locations and construction plans have been confirmed as well as a 105 km fitness trail has been newly built. The allocation of sports and fitness facilities in the main urban areas will be also promoted. 14.24 million yuan will be used in the reconstruction and expansion of 27 social football venues. At the same time, Huai'an will open public stadiums and gymnasiums free of charge or at a low price so as to benefit people with basic public sports services.