Huai'an China News and Events
Huai'an Temporary Assistance Strengthened for Epidemic Prevention and Control

In order to protect the needy groups during the epidemic prevention and control, departments of Huai'an Civil Affairs have fully exerted the positive role of temporary assistance in solving their sudden, urgent and temporary basic living difficulties. Meanwhile, a "Funds Plus Relief Supplies" Assistance Mode has been adopted to further enrich the content of temporary assistance.

Since the epidemic outbreak, the city has implemented temporary assistance to 5648 people in total, with an expenditure of 1.4589 million yuan, of which 280,900 yuan has been used to purchase living materials such as rice flour and oil, and epidemic prevention materials including disinfectants and masks. At the same time, due to the recent price rise in Huai'an, the procedure for temporary price subsidies has been launched in a timely manner. Temporary price subsidies totaling 5.557 million yuan have been issued to 109,800 people protected by Huai'an Civil Affairs, actively reducing the impact of price increases on the basic lives of people in need.