Huai'an China Investment Investment Projects
Service institutions of Economic and Technical Development Zone in Huai’an


▲China Merchants Bureau of Foreign Capital of Huai’an Economic Development Zone----to be in charge of introducing foreign capital, negotiating, approval and successive service.Tel: +86-517-83716064, Fax: +86-517-83332233 ▲China Merchants Bureau of Huai’an Economic Development Zone---to be in charge of introducing domestic capital, negotiating, approval and successive service.Tel: +86-517-83713988, Fax: +86-517-83713133▲Planning Bureau and Construction Bureau of Huai’an Economic Development Zone---to be in charge of organizing implement on various basic facilities within planning and construction regionsTel: +86-517-83332160   Fax: +86-517-83713806 (Planning Bureau)Tel: +86-517-83716195   Fax: +86-517-83332299 (Construction Bureau) ▲Economic development Bureau of Foreign Capital of Huai’an Economic Development Zone---to be in charge of management and service of domestic enterprises, environmental protection, safety production, statistic and development of private economyTel: +86-517-83716161  Fax: +86-517-83714723 ▲Labor and Society Security Bureau of Huai’an Economic Development Zone---to be in charge of all human resource development, management and service of employing units, and managing intermediary organizations of human resource flow within the district.Tel: +86-517-83716193   Fax: +86-517-83716536