Huai'an China Education Education of International Students
International Concerning Students in China


Channels of apply to study in China
Inter-governmental exchanges-arranged according to bilateral exchange agreements between Governments.
Inter-university exchanges-arranged according to exchange agreements between universities.
Organization recommendations-recommended by schools in foreign countries, education departments, and friendship organizations through Chinese embassies or directly to related Chinese universities.
Individual applications-individual students apply to study in China through China's related organizations or directly to universities.
Preparing materials
Fill the app1ication form required by the Chinese side;
Health checkup records for foreigners made by Chinese health quarantine departments;
Credentials of final diplomas and academic records;
In addition, applicants to study for master' and doctor's degree have to have letters of recommendation by two associate professors( or commensurate posts);
Self-financed applicants to study in China have to provide credentials of trustees for China affairs and financial guarantee, in addition to the above materials.
The above various materials have to be either in Chinese or in English, or enclosed with translations of the languages. Applicants can ask for related forms from Chinese embassies or consulates, or Chinese universities.
Selection of schools and majors
Applicants can directly contact related universities or ask for materials according to the school directory enclosed in this book in order to choose a suitable university and subject; applicants can also check the introduction of accepting schools for International students and disciplines made by the CSC, or just visit related websites on Chinese education:
Application time and methods
Application time is from January 1 to April 30 for international students on inter-governmental bilateral exchange programs. Applicants should apply through their own country's organizations in charge of selecting students to study overseas.
Application time is usually from September l5of the previous year to December l5 for international students on inter-university exchange programs, self-financed students, and those who start school in spring, while application time is from February 15 to June 15 for those who start school in autumn. For more information, please check admission brochures of universities. Mental reparation for social and cultural differences.
Psychological Preparations For a Different Society and Culture
Before you go, please don't overlook psychological preparation in social and cultural fields. You'd better get prepared for possible problems, and find solutions to them. This will help you to have a good time studying in China.
You must try to clear up the annoyances brought about by cultural differences. You will be interested in what is going on around you when you first step on the Chinese land, and a sense of curiosity will well up in your heart. However, you will soon unavoidably feel depressed due to cultural differences. For example, you will find it difficult to communicate, amidst different values and way of thinking. Don't worry. You'll learn to get accustomed to it bit by bit as you get to know more about the surroundings. At this time, you will be able to gradually drive away loneliness and feel the joys of Chinese social and cultural life.
You must get rid of puzzles and inconveniences brought about by a changed way of living and different habits and customs. To some extent, you need to change your accustomed way of living and habits and customs when you leave your motherland, parents, brothers, and relatives and friends for China, an unknown land. Everything around you is all exotic, quite different from where you came from. These puzzles and inconveniences can only be removed when you have a better understanding of the country and gradually get used to it.
Climate features in China and necessary preparations
China is located in the east of Asia and faces the Pacific Ocean on the east, with a terrain descending from west to east. Most of its areas lie in the north temperate zone, and the continental monsoon climate is common across the country.
In winter, the south-north temperature varies greatly, with the difference in temperature of January in Guangzhou, south China and Harbin, northeast China as much as 35 degrees centigrade on average.
In summer and autumn, most of China enjoys a temperate climate, bright sunshine, and charming scenery.
Daily clothing
In spring and autumn, light clothing is all right in most of China. But it's cold in winter, especially in areas north of the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe River. So you have to wear heavy clothing to keep out the cold outside, despite heating facilities inside.
Don't forget to buy health insurance
Self-financed students in China should buy medical insurance and accident injury insurance. You are free to purchase either in your own country or in China.
Foreigners should submit application for lodging before coming to China.
Usually, Chinese universities have dormitories for international students, accommodated with free bedding. So, international students have to apply to the recruiting school for lodging before coming to China, because types of rooms and prices vary greatly. You'd better ask for approval of the accepting school for your family to come with you, otherwise you have to find lodging for them by yourself.
With permission, international students can live outside of the school, but have to register with the local police bureau, as required.
Prepare sufficient tuitions
Tuitions are generally paid on the basis of a school year. According to Chinese laws and regulations, international students are not allowed to get employed during the study time. And what's more, work-study opportunities are rare. So, self-financed students must get well prepared in finances before coming to China.
Visa affairs for coming to China
International students should hold regular passports and X visas or F visas to register with the school. Those on six-month or above study programs in China can apply for X visas to Chinese visa issuing organizations in foreign countries, by the visa application form for foreigners to study in China (JW201 or JW202 forms), the admission notice of the school, and health checkup records for foreigners; those on less than six-month programs in China can apply for F visas to Chinese visa issuing organizations in foreign countries, by the visa application form for foreigners to study in China (JW201 or JW202 forms)and the admission notice of the school; those on short-term group programs in China can apply for F visas for groups, by invitation letters tom the authorized school.
Family members of international students in China can apply for visas by invitation letters from the Chinese recruiting school. International students must go through inspection procedures for health checkup records for foreigners at Chinese health quarantine departments within the due time, upon arrival. Those who fail to provide health checkup records for foreigners must take health checkups at local Chinese health quarantine organizations. Those who are found contracted with diseases that Chinese laws and regulations don't allow to enter with should leave China at once for their own country, and bear all expenses for the home journey by themselves.